Meet Gen 5 Julianna, Fossils hybrid smartwatch that blends analog design with smart connectivity. With new smart technology, this stylish wrist essential is always on, always connected with a battery life up to six months (based on usage). Dressed in gold-tone stainless steel, the Julianna features classic Roman numeral indices with crystal accents. Using Bluetooth® technology, receive smartphone notifications and accomplish daily fitness goals when the hour, minute and sub-eye hands spin or the watch case vibrates. Set an alarm, compare time in multiple time zones and track everything from steps to calories to sleep. Press the bottom pusher to take a photo, control music or find your phone with the help of the Fossil Q App. Customize your look with interchangeable straps. It’s easy to keep your world curious with Fossils Julianna hybrid smartwatch.

If you need help with fixing your watch, trust a professional.

Times Ticking has been in operation for more than 30 years, since 1982. We have performed watch repair for customers both locally and internationally. If it Ticks! We KNOW it! Our team of watch repair technicians have a combined experience in watchmaking of over 120 years.

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