Some thought that mechanical watches would never recover from the advent of cheaper quartz watches, but they were wrong. Likewise, when the smartwatch phenomenon took hold, the same fear prevailed. Alas, the mechanical watch remains and still represents luxury and craftsmanship. Our readers wrote in to share a few reasons why they feel a mechanical watch will always be a great investment.
Justin Gasparovic

Justin Gasparovic

Justin Gasparovic, Founder of The Enemy Of Average.

Considered Works of Art

It depends on your priorities. A mechanical watch costs more to maintain than a quartz watch and it’s also more susceptible to damage. However, a well-maintained mechanical watch can last for many years and is often considered a work of art. If you’re looking for a timepiece that will last forever and appreciate over time, then a mechanical watch is worth considering.
Sharon Dylan

Sharon Dylan

Sharon Dylan is the Co-Founder of Management Help LLC.

Naturally Noble Aura

Yes, mechanical watches are definitely worth it. Though they are not the most modern type of watch, the mechanical watch still exudes a more noble aura than any other quartz or smartwatch out there. Given the intricate design and many minute parts all working together, a mechanical watch is a symbol of patience to achieve success. As it embodies this message, I can say that it is definitely worth it.
Chris Walker

Chris Walker

Chris Walker, Founder of Legiit.

Will Last Longer

A mechanical watch is still worth investing in because a mechanical watch tends to last longer than a digital watch. You can choose brand names, such as a Tag Heuer, or a vintage Swiss watch that holds artistic and historical value.

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