Watch and Clock Repair Blog
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ToggleWhat To Do with a Quartz Clock That’s Not Working
It’s likely we all own one – a decorative, stylish clock that adorns our home but never really tells the time correctly. It may have stopped completely or begun to lose time several years ago, and somehow we have just never gotten around to fixing it.
Quartz clocks can be excellent design features, even more so when they’re working. So why not take a few minutes to get that fun kitchen clock – you know, the one with a chicken body on the face, and wings for clock hands – functioning again? It beats reading those boring green digital numbers on your microwave.

And you won’t have to carve out several hours of your free time to do the repairs or spend loads of money. In fact, it may only take a few dollars and maybe half an hour before you once again have a timepiece that is both decorative AND operational. And if the only benefit is that your mother-in-law stops asking, “When are you going to fix that clock?” every time she visits, it’s well worth it.
Why Do Quartz Clocks Stop Working?
Quartz clocks lose time or stop working for several reasons:
- The battery is low or dead.
- The pips (those little metal strips that connect each end of the battery to the movement) are loose, dirty, or too short.
- The clock hands are rubbing or are altogether stuck.
- There is dust and dirt in the mechanism itself.
It’s All About the Battery
Let’s start with the most common problem our clock and watch repair technicians see: the battery died, and you need to replace it.
Step 1: Locate the Battery Compartment
Turn your clock over to find the small black box on the back, which houses the quartz clock mechanism that is not working. Look for the battery compartment. It may be covered, or the battery might be visible.
Step 2: Remove the Old Battery
Carefully take out the old battery. Make sure to note which way the battery was facing so you can insert the new one correctly later.
Step 3: Inspect the Connectors
Check the battery connectors, also known as pips. These are the little metal strips that make contact with the battery ends. If they’re dirty or covered with a gray or green substance (oxidation), it can prevent the battery from powering the clock.
Step 4: Clean the Connectors
Use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to gently clean the pips and battery ends. For any stubborn bits of oxidation, you can use a thin wire brush or the edge of a small screwdriver to scrape them off. Let everything dry before moving on.
Step 5: Insert a Fresh Battery
Place a new battery into the compartment, making sure it’s in full contact with the pips. If the metal connectors seem loose and don’t touch the battery securely, you can carefully push the positive terminal strip toward the battery using a small screwdriver. Be gentle to avoid damaging the strip.
Step 6: Reset the Time
Once the battery is in place, set the clock to the correct time. Monitor it for a couple of days to ensure it’s working properly and keeping accurate time.
If your clock still isn’t working as it should, then you’ll need to dig a little deeper.
Give Your Hands a Hand
Another thing that may be working against your clock is its hands. If the hands are rubbing up against each other or the clock face, it will take more torque to move them. This could be a reason for your quartz clock running slow. Having to use that kind of power consistently will, at best, slow your clock and quickly drain your battery.
Remove the clock crystal and look at the hands, some common problems to look for and how to fix them:
- Do they feel tight and hard to move? If so, you can try loosening the hex nut in the center by moving it a quarter turn.
- On the other hand (excuse the pun), you may need to tighten things up by pushing down on the middle shaft if your clock is consistently getting stuck around six o’clock.
- Do your minute hand and your hour hand stick together when they pass over each other? Or maybe they get stuck to the surface of the clock face? Over time, your clock hands can get slightly bent, causing them to stick. You can use a pair of pliers to reshape them back into their original design. Then test the hands by winding them around the clock to make sure you have corrected all of the sticky points.
Clocks Movements Get Dirty, Too
After completing all of the above steps and your clock still doesn’t work, consider having it cleaned professionally. The same dust and dirt that regularly collect over your tables, countertops, and other furniture can just as easily make their way into that Bering wall clock you love so much. And it most certainly can gum up the works in your movement.
As cleaning involves getting into the innards of your clock, we recommend you consult a professional clock shop (or a watch repair shop that specializes in clocks). Even a simple quartz clock movement can give you a big headache if you accidentally cause damage while taking it apart or putting it back together.
And then, of course, there’s the whole matter of putting it back together correctly. Our Swiss-trained technicians will handle your Bulova repair, or any other clock brand repair, with ease, as well as repairs and battery replacements for just about any other clock or watch you can name. And they’ll do it at an affordable price.
If your quartz wall clock stopped working, check us out at Times Ticking for all your clock and watch repair needs.